Nowadays, offices as a working place occupy a large part of a person’s life.
Since most of the time people spend in their working lives is spent in offices, it is psychologically and ergonomically very important to create environments where they can be most productive and to ensure that employees feel healthy and safe in their environment.
When creating a working environment, sufficient light (not too little, not too much), air at the right temperature and humidity, appropriate sound levels, work surfaces, appropriate seating and so on should be taken into account to be productive.
Different plans can be created with the quality and color differences of the materials used in the interior.
When we consider the duration of use of office workspaces, physical and psychological comfort requirements are of great importance. Some important points to be considered in the organization of office buildings and workspaces; -Shape of the office space and furniture selection The selection, arrangement and function of office furniture in office designs have an important place in interior design and user productivity.
Different approaches are seen in furniture design according to different office types.
The furniture used in the office environment should be designed and developed in such a way as to meet the needs of the employee, facilitate and be comfortable.
For example, ergonomic and stylish designs such as work chairs, office desks, and meeting tables make the workspace more functional and comfortable.
In addition, office waiting chairs and office sofas can be preferred to provide a comfortable waiting for visitors.
An office set or modern counter models create a strong first impression in your office. A mesh office chair can make your employees comfortable all day long and increase their productivity. – Lighting Lighting is the creation of natural and artificial lighting types in order to perceive the colors of spaces and objects in the space correctly and effectively.
A correct and healthy office lighting is important for the employee’s eye health, productivity at work level and motivation.
If appropriate lighting choices are not made, problems such as glare, reflection and fatigue occur in the eyes.
These problems cause the work to be done to be negatively affected in terms of time and productivity.
In order to create a comfortable and peaceful working environment, lighting designs suitable for the nature of the space should be made. – Ventilation People spend an average of eight hours a day in offices in their daily lives.
In this period of time, where people spend one third of their day, adequate ventilation conditions for comfort and health requirements should be a necessity, not a luxury.
Ventilation conditions directly affect work.
A relative humidity of 50% and a temperature between 21 and 24 can be considered a positive value to ensure proper ventilation conditions. – Ergonomics Ergonomics supports people’s physical and mental abilities.
The efficiency of the workforce will be positively affected to the extent that employees are provided with a suitable and comfortable working environment in terms of health and occupational safety. For this reason, it is important that all systems designed with the physical and mental needs of people in mind are ergonomically correct. – Color Colors serve many purposes in office design.
In addition to the physical and psychological conditions of the employees, color can be considered as an environmental factor that determines the health, mood and productivity of the employees.
Color, which is one of the basic principles in interior design; from office walls to furniture, from floors to accessories, it can affect many elements such as employee mood, concentration and performance. Today, we can see office buildings that can be the best example that meets these requests in offices where creativity is at the forefront such as media, communication design as a sector.
With the constant change in technology, the increase in the standard of living of people and the increase in the time spent in workplaces has caused people to seek the comfort they have obtained at home and other places in the workplace.
For this reason, the office building should be considered not only as a structure that serves functionally, but also as a place where many people spend a large part of the day.
The importance should be given to user needs and satisfaction, social areas in office buildings where social needs that will affect motivation will be met.

The Importance of Providing Conditions in Office Design
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